What effects can be expected from a single fat-dissolving injection?

cosmetic medicine

Fat dissolving injections are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments. This treatment is non-invasive, yet has the appeal of efficiently reducing fat. However, many people may wonder, "Does one treatment really work?" and wonder, "Does it really work after just one treatment? Here, we will explain in detail the principles of fat-dissolving injections, the effects that can be expected from a single treatment, safety, and aftercare.


What are fat-dissolving injections?

Fat dissolving injections are a cosmetic treatment that reduces the amount of fat in the body by targeting and dissolving specific fat cells. This method is often focused on areas of the body that have become particularly stubbornly fatty. Fat dissolving injections work by breaking down the membranes of fat cells and expelling them from the body.

Ingredients used

Many fat-dissolving injections use ingredients such as phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholic acid. These ingredients act directly on fat cells and destroy their membranes. Once destroyed, fat cells do not regenerate, so a lasting effect can be expected.

Differences from other cosmetic procedures

Fat melting injections differ from other fat removal methods such as liposuction and CoolSculpting in several ways. The biggest difference is that it is non-invasive. While liposuction requires surgery, fat melting injections only dissolve fat cells using a needle, so there is less downtime.

In addition, fat melting injections can focus on specific small areas and can be fine-tuned. This is a very attractive option for those who wish to reduce fat in specific areas rather than overall fat reduction.


Specific effects of a single fat-dissolving injection

The amount of fat reduction that can be expected from a single fat-dissolving injection procedure has variations depending on the area to be treated and the ingredients used, but generally a fat reduction of 5-10% has been reported. Not only that, but in some cases, if the treatment is effective, there is a definite reduction in size in the area.

point Description.
Fat loss rate In general, a fat loss of 5-10% can be expected
Timing of Effects Effects are most noticeable after a few weeks
Change in appearance Skin tightens and the target area appears slimmer.
initial symptom Mild swelling and redness are common immediately after the procedure
Symptom resolution Initial symptoms often settle in a few days, after which the true effect can be seen.

Regarding the appearance, the effect is more noticeable after a few weeks than immediately after the procedure. This is because the effects of the procedure become apparent gradually as the fat cells are expelled from the body. In general, the skin becomes tighter and the area in question appears slimmer.

Immediately after the procedure, mild swelling and redness are common. These symptoms often subside within a few days, and after they have resolved, the true results can be seen. After a few weeks, the swelling and redness will completely subside, and the expected fat reduction and changes in appearance will be more apparent.

Fat Dissolving Injection Treatment Process

Fat dissolving injections generally begin with a consultation with a physician. At this stage, the doctor will discuss in detail the area to be treated, the expected results, and any existing health conditions or allergies.

After counseling, the treatment area is marked to clarify which area will be injected. Local anesthesia is then administered before injecting the fat-dissolving ingredients. After the injections are completed, a cooling pack is applied or, in some cases, a compression band is used.

The treatment time for fat-dissolving injections is generally 30 minutes to one hour. However, this is only a general guideline, and there can be some variation depending on the area to be treated, the thickness of the fat, and the type of fat-dissolving agent used.

In most cases, local anesthesia is used, so the injection itself is virtually painless. After the procedure is completed, however, you may experience temporary swelling, redness, and sometimes mild pain. These symptoms usually resolve spontaneously within a few days.

Although fat dissolving injections are considered a relatively easy cosmetic procedure, it is still a medical procedure, so it is most important to have the procedure performed at a well-established specialized medical institution.

Difference between a single treatment and multiple treatments

There are many variables in their effectiveness and satisfaction, and the number of treatments is one of them. So what is the difference between a single treatment and multiple treatments?

While the effects seen with a single treatment are certainly present, they are often limited. On the other hand, the effects of multiple treatments can last longer and produce more definite results. Multiple treatments are recommended for fat reduction from a long-term perspective, rather than seeking dramatic changes in a short period of time.

In a single treatment, it is unlikely that you will notice any significant changes immediately after the procedure. However, by undergoing multiple treatments, the changes will gradually increase, resulting in greater satisfaction. If you want to reduce a large amount of fat, it is difficult to reduce a large amount of fat in a single treatment, so in such cases, multiple treatments are effective.

In addition, if you wish to reduce fat in multiple areas, a single treatment can only address a limited area, but with multiple treatments, you can experience results in multiple areas.

The number of fat-dissolving injections may significantly affect the effectiveness and satisfaction of the treatment. It is of utmost importance to choose the appropriate treatment plan according to your aesthetic goals, body type, and expectations.


Safety of fat-dissolving injections

One of the reasons fat-dissolving injections have become so popular in cosmetic medicine is because of their safety. However, this procedure also carries risks if not performed correctly. While the use of well-researched ingredients makes the procedure safe in many cases, some people have reported side effects such as allergies, infection, swelling, and internal bleeding.

Side Effects and Risks

Swelling, redness, and pain are common short-term side effects of fat-dissolving injections. These usually resolve spontaneously within a few days to a week. However, there are serious risks of infection and nerve damage if the procedure is performed with inaccurate technique or in an unsanitary environment. For this reason, great care must be taken in the qualifications and experience of the physician and the environment in which the procedure is performed.

There are also several important points to consider in order to get the right fat dissolving injections. First of all, you need to make sure that the doctor performing the procedure is a specialist in cosmetic surgery or cosmetic dermatology. A procedure performed by a physician with specialized knowledge and experience is safer and more effective.

Next, it is important to have a thorough preliminary consultation. At this stage, you should fully understand the procedure, the expected effects, and the possible risks and side effects. The more knowledge you have, the better chance you have of receiving the procedure safely.

Clinic hygiene is also extremely important. A clean environment greatly reduces the risk of infection. When choosing a clinic, pay attention to details such as whether the facility is properly cleaned and whether the staff pays attention to hygiene.

Finally, aftercare after the procedure is also important. If good aftercare is provided, the risk of side effects can be reduced. In particular, whether the doctors and staff are attentive in post-treatment care is a good indicator of whether the clinic can be trusted.


Aftercare after fat-dissolving injection treatment

Fat dissolving injections are a very effective cosmetic procedure, and their popularity is growing. However, aftercare after the procedure is extremely important in order to maximize its effectiveness and minimize side effects.

Importance of post-treatment care

After fat dissolving injections, some individuals experience mild side effects such as swelling, pain, and redness. These generally settle down spontaneously within a few days to a week in most cases, but proper aftercare increases the likelihood that these symptoms will subside in a short period of time. In addition, the process of fat cells broken by the procedure being expelled from the body may also be facilitated by aftercare.

Key Points for Aftercare

Proper aftercare is essential to the success and lasting effects of fat-dissolving injections. After the procedure, the use of cooling pads or ice is recommended in many cases to reduce swelling. This cooling action helps minimize uncomfortable swelling and inflammation.

Moderate exercise after the procedure is also important. Light walking, for example, may help the body expel fat cells. However, depending on your doctor's instructions, you may be instructed to avoid strenuous exercise.

Hydration is another important part of aftercare. Drinking plenty of water promotes detoxification of the body and smooth recovery after the procedure.

Most importantly, follow your doctor's instructions. Each individual's constitution and condition may dictate different aftercare instructions. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the guidelines and instructions given by the physician to ensure proper care.

In order to maintain the effects of the procedure, care must be taken in daily life as well as in aftercare. Continuing to eat a well-balanced diet and exercise moderately will help prevent fat from accumulating again. Thus, good aftercare and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will lead to the long-term success of fat dissolving injections.



The effects that can be expected from a single fat-dissolving injection treatment include a certain amount of fat reduction and improvement in appearance, depending on the area to be treated and the ingredients used. However, accurate information and proper aftercare are essential to maintain and further enhance these effects.

In order to minimize side effects and risks and maximize effectiveness, a specialized medical institution and proper aftercare are essential. We hope that through the information here, you will have an accurate understanding of and expectations for a single fat dissolving injection procedure.

At Aladdin Aesthetic Clinic, based on our many years of experience in cosmetic medicine and cosmetic dermatology and the knowledge of our doctoral degree, we provide counseling that aims to be "only one", offering the best treatment for each person we meet. We offer only the necessary treatments without any unnecessary information or suggestions.
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