
cosmetic medicine

Liposuction" and "thread lift" have recently been attracting attention in the world of cosmetic medicine. While the high efficacy of each is appealing, many people wonder, "Can I have liposuction and thread lift at the same time? What about downtime? What about downtime?

Here we provide a thorough explanation of the actual benefits, cautions, cost sensitivities, and downtime of these two procedures at the same time. In particular, we have compiled the technical details in an easy-to-understand manner so that even beginners in cosmetic medicine can consider them with ease. Please read to the end for tips on finding the right treatment for you.


What is Liposuction and Thread Lift? Let's go over the basics.

Liposuction and thread lifts are of interest to many people in the field of cosmetic medicine. While each procedure has different goals, they are dependable options for approaching the ideal face and body.

Here, we will explain in detail the basic information about each procedure, its effects, target areas, and duration. This will help first-timers decide if liposuction and thread lift are right for them.

What is Liposuction? Contouring for an ideal silhouette

Liposuction is a procedure to remove excess fat accumulated on the face and body for contouring. It is particularly effective for stubborn fat that is difficult to remove through diet alone. For example, the face line, arms, and thighs are common areas to be treated.

The procedure is performed by suctioning subcutaneous fat using a special cannula (thin tube). This method results in a clean and sharp contour after the procedure. Another advantage of this procedure is that there is little risk of rebound because the fat cells themselves are removed.

(data) item Details
target area Face (face line, cheeks), body (abdomen, thighs, arms, etc.)
Duration of effect Semi-permanent (but weight control is necessary)
down time Approximately 1-2 weeks (until swelling and internal bleeding subside)
Expected Benefits Small face effect, tightened body line

What is a thread lift? Lift sagging skin and achieve a youthful appearance

Thread lift is a procedure to lift sagging facial skin, primarily for anti-aging purposes. Special medical threads are inserted under the skin to physically lift sagging skin and lift the entire face. The threads are often made of dissolvable materials and are highly safe because they are broken down in the body after the procedure.

Since the procedure is performed without the use of a scalpel, the major advantage is that scars are not noticeable. In addition, the threads stimulate the skin and collagen production. Therefore, in many cases, in addition to a lifting effect, improvement of skin elasticity and luster can also be obtained.

(data) item Details
target area Face (cheeks, under the chin, neck, etc.)
Duration of effect 6 months to 2 years (depending on the type of thread and skin condition)
down time Several days to a week (swelling and mild discomfort may remain)
Expected Benefits Improvement of sagging, lifting, skin rejuvenation

Let's understand the difference between liposuction and thread lift.

Whereas liposuction primarily improves contouring by removing excess fat, a thread lift removes sagging skin by lifting the skin and restoring a more youthful appearance to the face. It is important to understand that because of the different effects of each, there will be differences in the results after the procedure.

Liposuction and thread lift are effective alone, but they can also be performed simultaneously to achieve synergistic effects. The following details the advantages and precautions for simultaneous procedures.


Advantages and cautions of liposuction and thread lift at the same time

Now that you have a better understanding of the effects of liposuction and thread lift, the next thing you may be wondering about is the benefits of performing these two procedures simultaneously. Simultaneous procedures are not uncommon in cosmetic medicine and are favored by many as a means of achieving efficient results.

However, there are specific advantages and cautions associated with it. Here we will discuss in detail the synergistic effects, benefits of reduced downtime, and risks that can be achieved by simultaneous procedures.

Synergistic effect of simultaneous treatment|Improvement of small face and sagging at the same time

Liposuction is a procedure that removes excess fat from the face line and cheeks to create a cleaner, more contoured face. On the other hand, a thread lift improves sagging skin by lifting the skin, resulting in a tighter appearance. The greatest appeal of these procedures is that they are performed at the same time, and the effects of both are synergistic.

For example, if sagging and fat are present on the face at the same time, liposuction alone may result in excess skin. Therefore, by combining a thread lift, the sagging can be tightened after the fat is removed to achieve a more balanced and natural result. In addition, since the overall impression of the face is greatly changed, it will be easier to obtain positive reactions from those around you after the procedure, such as "you look younger" or "you have a smaller face.

Reduced downtime|Efficient use of recovery time

In cosmetic medicine, downtime is a major concern when undergoing a procedure. If each procedure is performed separately, the liposuction requires a recovery period of approximately one to two weeks, while the thread lift requires several days to a week. However, by having them performed at the same time, the recovery period can be done all at once.

This is a great advantage for those who have busy lives and cannot take long vacations. By completing the procedure in one session, the impact on returning to society and daily life can be minimized.

Precautions|Understand the risks based on the characteristics of the procedure.

Simultaneous procedures are an efficient and attractive option, but their risks must be carefully considered. Below are the main points to be aware of when undergoing the procedure.

Cautions 1) Swelling and internal bleeding

Liposuction directly removes subcutaneous fat, which may cause swelling and internal bleeding after the procedure. Similar symptoms may occur with thread lifts when the threads are inserted, increasing the likelihood of noticeable swelling when both are performed at the same time.

Cautions 2) Pain

The liposuction procedure site may cause muscle soreness after surgery, and the thread lift site may also feel uncomfortable to the touch. It is important to discuss appropriate pain relievers and aftercare with the physician in advance to account for the possibility of overlapping pain.

Caution 3) The doctor's technical skill is key.

Liposuction and thread lift are procedures that require different techniques. It is important to choose a highly skilled physician to perform each procedure in a balanced manner. By choosing a clinic with extensive experience in simultaneous procedures, you can minimize risks and expect highly satisfactory results.


What if I want to do liposuction and thread lift at the same time? Who would you recommend it for?

Simultaneous liposuction and thread lift is an attractive option for efficiently achieving a smaller face and improving sagging skin. However, it is not suitable for everyone.

It is important to determine the suitability of the procedure according to the individual's situation, constitution, and objectives. Here, we will explain who we can recommend the procedure to, cases in which it is not suitable, and key counseling points to keep in mind before the procedure.

(data) item Details
Suitable for. People in their late 20s to 30s who want a smaller face, people in their 40s to 50s who are concerned about sagging, and people who cannot find the time.
Not suitable for Those with pre-existing medical conditions, allergies, or psychological unpreparedness
Important Confirmation Fully discuss risks, downtime, and costs with your doctor.

Suitable people|Know your suitability by age and problems.

The synergistic effect of liposuction and thread lift at the same time is particularly useful for those with specific concerns. It is suitable for those with the following characteristics

1. people in their late 20s and 30s who want to achieve a smaller face

In this age group, contour tightening through liposuction can be very effective. In particular, if fat around the face line and chin area is a concern, liposuction and thread lift can be performed simultaneously to remove excess fat while creating an even sharper line with a lifting effect.

2. people in their 40s and 50s who are concerned about sagging

Sagging that becomes more noticeable with age is suitable for the lifting effect of a thread lift. In addition, if fat remains with the sagging, liposuction can be used in combination with liposuction to improve the overall tightening effect.

3. busy people who cannot find time

Simultaneous procedures are also recommended for those who cannot afford multiple procedures or who wish to reduce downtime. By completing the recovery period in one session, the impact on returning to society and daily life is minimized.

Unsuitable person|Cases that should be noted to avoid risks

In some cases, simultaneous liposuction and thread lift may not be appropriate. To ensure safety, please note the following

1. those with pre-existing medical conditions or health concerns

Pre-existing medical conditions such as heart disease or diabetes may increase the risk of surgery. Those taking certain medications may also need to consult with a physician, as the procedure may be restricted.

2. those with allergies or sensitive skin

There is a risk of having an allergic reaction to the thread material used in a thread lift or to the medications used during the recovery process after liposuction. Be sure to inform your doctor if you have experienced allergic reactions in the past.

3. those who are not mentally prepared

Cosmetic treatments affect not only the body but also psychological changes. If the patient is not prepared to accept the results after the procedure, satisfaction may be low.

To be satisfied with the treatment! What to confirm at the counseling session

The pre-treatment consultation is a very important step in developing a treatment plan that is right for you. When considering a cosmetic procedure such as liposuction or a thread lift, the key to success is to clarify your concerns and goals and share your expectations with the physician. During your consultation, you should keep the following three points in particular in mind

First, it is important to clearly communicate your concerns and goals. By telling the doctor the specific results you are looking for, such as "I want to have a cleaner facial line" or "I want to improve the sagging skin that has begun to bother me with age," the doctor can suggest the best treatment plan for you. If you have a vague image of what you want, your expectations may differ from those of the doctor, so it is ideal to have a specific image in mind.

Next, you need to fully understand the risks and downtime associated with the procedure. Liposuction may cause postoperative swelling and soreness that lasts for several weeks, and a thread lift may cause a feeling of tightness and discomfort for several days. During your consultation, ask your doctor for details about the extent of these symptoms and the specific process of recovery, and set realistic expectations. This will help prevent any unexpected stress after surgery.

The cost of the procedure also needs to be confirmed. While simultaneous procedures are often more efficient than individual procedures, they can also be more expensive. It is important to understand in advance not only the total cost of the procedure, but also the cost of post-operative care and the possibility of additional medical services if necessary. When you receive an estimate, be sure to clear up any uncertainties on the spot to ensure that you are satisfied with the plan before proceeding.

Thus, communicating your wishes and facing the reality of the procedure and working with the doctor to find the best option will lead to a highly satisfactory result. Take full advantage of your consultation time and take steps to maximize your beauty.


Consider the balance of the procedure, including downtime and cost.

Simultaneous liposuction and thread lift procedures are attracting a lot of attention because of their effectiveness and efficiency. However, when considering these procedures, it is important to understand the postoperative recovery process and cost balance.

Here we will discuss in detail the specific process immediately following the procedure, what to expect during downtime, a sense of cost, and what to look for to determine further cost-effectiveness.

Specifics of the process from immediate post-treatment to recovery

When liposuction and thread lift are performed at the same time, it is important to know in advance what will happen after the procedure because the recovery processes associated with each procedure overlap.It is common for liposuction to cause swelling and internal bleeding at the site of the procedure. Postoperatively, the patient will go through the following phases of recovery

  • Days 1-3: This is when swelling and pain appear the strongest. The treated area in particular may feel soreness similar to muscle pain.
  • After 1 week: Swelling and internal bleeding will gradually begin to decrease, allowing the patient to return to daily activities. However, wearing a compression garment is recommended.
  • After 1 to 3 months: The effects of the treatment gradually appear and the contour changes become more stable.

On the other hand, a thread lift is a procedure that requires relatively light downtime, but the process is as follows

  • Days 1-3: Mild swelling and tightness may be felt at the site of thread insertion.
  • After 1 week: Swelling has largely subsided and daily expressions and activities are less affected.
  • After 1-6 months: The lifting effect is stabilized, collagen production is stimulated, and skin texture is improved.

Points to keep in mind during downtime

Proper care during downtime is an important factor in determining the outcome of the procedure and the speed of recovery. In order to maximize the effects of liposuction and thread lift, the recovery period must be spent carefully and in accordance with the physician's instructions. The following tips will help ensure a smoother and more effective recovery.

First, it is essential to wear a compression garment after liposuction. This special garment serves to reduce swelling in the treated area and promotes skin tightening. Using the compression garment for an appropriate period of time facilitates postoperative contouring and improves the quality of the result. It is important to always follow the physician's instructions regarding the duration and method of garment wear.

In addition, the patient should refrain from strenuous exercise and alcohol consumption during the downtime. Exercise and alcohol consumption are recommended to be avoided for at least one to two weeks, as they can overstimulate blood circulation and aggravate swelling and internal bleeding. Light walking may be acceptable, but any activity that is physically demanding should be avoided.

In addition, facial expressions should be carefully monitored after a thread lift. In particular, facial expressions that excessively move facial muscles, such as heavy laughter or movements with strong facial expressions, may interfere with the stability of the threads after the procedure. During the first few days after the procedure, try to keep facial expressions as gentle as possible and be conscious of not putting too much stress on the face.

Cost Perception and Benefits of Liposuction and Thread Lift, respectively

Costs vary depending on the procedure and clinic, but the following are general guidelines.

Name of treatment Approximate cost remarks
liposuction 200,000 to 500,000 yen Cost varies per area. For the entire face, the cost is even higher.
thread lifting 100,000 to 300,000 yen Prices vary depending on the number and type of threads used.
Simultaneous treatment 400,000-800,000 yen Discounts may be available compared to doing it individually.

When considering the cost-effectiveness of simultaneous procedures, there are several important points to consider. The efficiency and better results that can be achieved by performing liposuction and thread lift at the same time make it an attractive option for many, but in order to maximize its value, it is important to clarify the objectives and set expectations.

First, one of the greatest advantages of simultaneous procedures is the excellent balance between cost and results. Because multiple problems can be addressed at once, the overall cost performance is often higher than when individual procedures are performed separately. However, in order to realize this effect, you must have a clear idea of the results and goals you are seeking. For example, having a specific goal, such as "to sharpen facial lines" or "to lift sagging skin that becomes a concern with age," will make it easier to achieve a higher level of satisfaction.

Simultaneous procedures are also more efficient in terms of recovery time. If liposuction and thread lift were performed separately, each would require its own downtime, doubling the impact on your life during that time. On the other hand, simultaneous procedures only require a single recovery period, resulting in significant time savings. This efficiency is very attractive to those with busy lives and those who have difficulty taking long vacations.

Furthermore, post-treatment satisfaction is another factor that should not be overlooked when considering cost-effectiveness. Whether or not you can obtain effects directly related to your concerns will greatly affect your final satisfaction. Therefore, it is important to simulate the procedure in advance at the clinic to get a concrete image of the post-operative results. In addition, sharing your expectations with the doctor can reduce your anxiety and increase your satisfaction with the procedure.


Tips for post-treatment care! Daily routine is key!

Proper post-procedure care is essential to the success of liposuction and thread lift. No matter how good the procedure is, the outcome will depend greatly on how you spend the recovery period.

This section details specific massage and skin care techniques to keep in mind after the procedure, actions to avoid, and the importance of regular care.

Post-treatment massage and skin care|Specific methods to maximize results

After a liposuction or thread lift procedure, proper care will help maximize the effects of the procedure. First, regarding post-liposuction care, it is important to avoid forcible massage and strictly follow the doctor's instructions because of swelling and pain immediately after the surgery.

Generally, it is recommended to begin lymphatic drainage approximately two weeks after surgery, as this massage helps to reduce swelling and eliminate waste products from the body, thus helping to speed recovery. However, it is of utmost importance to always consult a physician before performing any massage.

In skin care after a thread lift, the skin is in a very sensitive state and proper care should be taken while avoiding irritation. UV protection is especially essential, and daily use of sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher is recommended.

It is also important to utilize hats and sunglasses when going outside to provide physical UV protection. At the same time, thorough skin moisturization will help prolong the lifting effect.

In addition, incorporating serums containing ingredients that support collagen production, such as vitamin C derivatives and peptides, will help maintain skin tightness.

Behaviors to Avoid During Recovery|Tips to Prevent Risks

How you spend the recovery period will greatly affect how good or bad the results will be. First, strenuous exercise should be avoided for 1-2 weeks after surgery. Excessive blood flow from exercise may worsen swelling and internal bleeding. Light walking may be acceptable, but should be done only after consulting with a physician.

In addition, special care should be taken to avoid overexposure to ultraviolet light. Since the skin after a thread lift is extremely delicate and susceptible to UV damage, it is wise to avoid going outside for extended periods of time. When going outside, make sure to protect your skin with a hat and sunglasses, in addition to using sunscreen.

In addition, alcohol and spicy foods are among the behaviors that should be avoided. These should be avoided for the first week or two after surgery, as they can overstimulate blood flow and exacerbate swelling and inflammation.

Importance of regular care after treatment

Regular care is essential to enjoy the long-lasting effects of the procedure. A follow-up visit with a physician for one to three months after surgery will help detect any abnormalities early and determine the need for additional care. This consultation is also an important step in achieving postoperative peace of mind.

Continued self-care also has a significant impact on the results after the procedure. After liposuction, thorough weight control, a well-balanced diet, and moderate exercise will help prevent rebound and maintain the effects of the procedure. On the other hand, when the effects of the thread lift begin to fade, collagen injections or mild laser treatments can be added to further prolong the lifting effect.



The main attraction of liposuction and thread lift at the same time is that they provide synergistic effects such as a smaller face and improvement of sagging skin. On the other hand, it is important to carefully consider the risks, downtime, and costs specific to each procedure. The points introduced here will help you resolve any questions or concerns you may have at the preliminary consultation.

Cosmetic medicine is a new step toward self-confidence. With the right knowledge, we can help you choose the right procedure with confidence. Why not take the first step toward your ideal?

At Aladdin Aesthetic Clinic, based on our many years of experience in cosmetic medicine and cosmetic dermatology and the knowledge of our doctoral degree, we provide counseling that aims to be "only one", offering the best treatment for each person we meet. We offer only the necessary treatments without any unnecessary information or suggestions.

Feel free to use our official LINE account for 24-hour counseling and reservations. Please feel free to contact us for free counseling for the first time or if you have any concerns.

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