What to watch out for after double implantation? These are the 5 points to follow!

cosmetic medicine

Although double implantation is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure as an easy, scalpel-free method, postoperative care is extremely important to maintain beautiful results. Failure to follow precautions in daily life immediately after surgery can lead to unexpected problems. Here, we will explain in detail the five points to take care of after undergoing double-layered implantation surgery. Please keep these points in mind and use them as a reference to maintain your ideal double-exposed eye for a long time.


Things to keep in mind after double implantation1|How to spend the time immediately after the surgery

How one spends the immediate postoperative period after undergoing a double implantation procedure has a significant impact on the success of the procedure and recovery. In particular, the first 24 hours after surgery are critical, and how you spend this period can affect the degree of swelling and internal bleeding, as well as the final result.

Below we detail the importance of rest, how to spend the first 24 hours after surgery, how to reduce swelling by cooling, and how to effectively icing the area. By following these points, you can prevent problems after surgery and lay the foundation for maintaining your ideal double-layered eyes for a long time.

Importance of rest

After undergoing double implantation, how you spend the immediate postoperative period will greatly affect your subsequent recovery and results. In particular, it is very important to rest for the first 24 hours after surgery. Resting minimizes the risk of swelling and internal bleeding and provides an environment for the treated area to settle properly. During this period, the body should not be forced to move and the eye area should be rested as much as possible.

During this period, do not use your eyes excessively and refrain from straining to watch TV or use your smart phone. Also, when lying down, sleep with your head elevated to help control blood flow and reduce swelling. Ideally, use a cushion when sleeping and keep your upper body slightly elevated.

Accelerate recovery by resting

Resting allows the body's natural recovery forces to work and reduces inflammation and swelling in the treated area. By maintaining rest, the body's energy is focused on healing, and the fixation of the double line will proceed smoothly. Exerting yourself and moving around may cause excessive blood flow, which may worsen swelling and internal bleeding.

Cooling is an effective way to reduce postoperative swelling. Cold towels or special ice packs are commonly used. Cooling causes the capillaries to constrict, reducing the risk of swelling and internal bleeding. However, it is important to use a moderate temperature and time, as overcooling can have the opposite effect.

When icing, it is best to first lightly cover the eye area with a clean towel and then apply an ice pack over it. It is important to always use the towel as an intermediary, as applying a cold object directly to the skin can cause frostbite. Icing should be done every hour for about 10 minutes at a time.


Things to keep in mind after double implantation2|Postoperative face washing and makeup

Resuming face washing and makeup after double implantation surgery is a point of concern for many people. Following the correct methods at the appropriate time is very important to promote recovery after surgery and maintain a beautiful double-exposed face. Here, we have compiled a detailed explanation of precautions regarding face washing and make-up, and have compiled a list of points to keep in mind after double implantation.

When and how to wash your face

Although it may be tempting to wash your face immediately after surgery, it is necessary to be cautious to avoid stress on the eye area. It is usually recommended that you avoid washing your face for 24~48 hours after surgery. During this period, the wound has not yet completely closed, and any contact with moisture or soap around the eyes increases the risk of infection; when washing the face again after 48 hours, it is important to avoid touching the eye area as much as possible and to wash the entire face gently.

However, since this may vary depending on the individual's recovery, it is best to follow your doctor's instructions. When resuming face washing, it is advisable to wash all areas except the eye area first, and then only lightly wipe the eye area with a moistened cotton ball.

In addition, when washing your face again, you must be especially gentle so as not to strain the eye area. Choose a cleanser that is hypoallergenic, and wash by lightly pressing the foam into a lather with your hands. Never scrub the face, and gently pat dry with a soft towel after washing. The area around the eyes is especially delicate, so wipe gently with a towel.

Notes on resumption of makeup

Makeup is an essential part of daily life for many people, but care should be taken when resuming makeup after double implantation. It is recommended that makeup be avoided on the eye area for 3 days to 1 week after surgery. Makeup application during this period can put stress on the treated area and cause irritation and problems. There is also an increased risk of infection if makeup products get on the treated area.

Of course, it is important to check the instructions of your doctor, as it depends on your recovery status. When resuming, it may be ideal to start with less irritating items such as eye shadow and eyeliner, and gradually move on to eye makeup in general. It is also safe to start with light makeup to reduce the strain on the eye area.

After double implantation, the choice of makeup products is also important. By choosing makeup products that are hypoallergenic and contain ingredients that are gentle to the skin, you can maintain a beautiful finish while protecting your eyes after surgery. Water-proof type eyeliner and mascara are also not recommended, as they are hard to remove. We recommend choosing items that are gentle to the skin, such as liquid-type eyeliner and mineral-based eyeshadows.


Things to be careful about after double implantation3|Activities to avoid in daily life

A thorough understanding and practice of behaviors to avoid in daily life after double implantation surgery is essential for a smooth recovery and maintenance of beautiful double lines. In particular, following precautions regarding strenuous exercise and lifestyle can prevent problems and maintain the ideal result. Here we will explain in detail the behaviors in daily life that you should be aware of after double implantation.

Avoidance of strenuous exercise

It is very important to avoid strenuous physical activity after a double implantation. In the days following surgery, vigorous physical activity increases blood flow, which can exacerbate swelling and internal bleeding around the eyes. Sweat can also increase the risk of infection if it gets into the eye area. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least three days, and if the postoperative course is going well, light exercise should be resumed.

The impact of exercise on recovery cannot be ignored. Exercise increases blood flow in the body and may make it more difficult for the swelling around the eyes to go down. There is also a risk that heavy lifting or strenuous exercise will put strain on the treated area, causing problems such as loosening or detachment of the threads. Therefore, special care should be taken after the surgery.

The standard timing for safely resuming exercise is one week after surgery. However, before resuming strenuous exercise, it is recommended to start with low-impact exercises such as walking and light stretching. Also, when resuming, it is important to carefully monitor your physical condition and the condition of your eye area, and not to overdo it. Remember to consult with your doctor and make sure it is safe to do so before beginning exercise.

Lifestyle Precautions

There are some daily habits that should be taken into consideration after double implantation. For example, when sleeping, sleeping with your head elevated can help reduce swelling. Furthermore, prolonged use of computers and smartphones puts a strain on the eye area and should be avoided as much as possible after surgery. Also, rubbing the eyes or any activity that involves strong touching should be avoided.

Impact of Drinking and Smoking on Recovery

Drinking alcohol and smoking are known to adversely affect postoperative recovery. Drinking alcohol can cause blood vessels to dilate, exacerbating swelling and internal bleeding. Smoking can also worsen blood flow, delaying wound healing as well as increasing the risk of infection. Therefore, it is recommended that patients refrain from drinking and smoking for one week after surgery.

Other behaviors to avoid

There are several other activities that should be avoided after surgery. For example, saunas and hot baths should be avoided for the first week after surgery, as they can cause excessive heat around the eyes and worsen swelling and internal bleeding.

Also, refrain from going outside for long periods of time in environments with strong ultraviolet rays. UV rays can damage the delicate skin around the eyes after surgery, so it is important to take measures such as wearing sunglasses when going outside.


Things to keep in mind after double implantation4|How to take proper care of yourself

After undergoing double implantation, proper skin care is essential to accelerate recovery and to maintain a beautiful double-exposed eye for a long time. The postoperative eye area is extremely delicate, and proper care will prevent swelling and problems and help achieve the ideal result.

Proper postoperative skin care

Postoperative skin care is extremely important to support the recovery of the eye area and prevent problems. In particular, the eye area after double implantation is more sensitive and dry than normal, and proper skin care is required. The goal of post-operative skin care is to help retain moisture and restore the barrier function, and to help the treated area recover in a healthy state.

As mentioned above, when performing postoperative skin care, it is first important to do so gently so as not to irritate the eye area. After washing your face, gently wipe away moisture with a clean towel, and moisturize immediately afterward. Be careful not to rub or press down hard on the eye area. Also, always remember to clean your hands before performing skin care.

Moisturizing and Nourishing

Moisturizing is one of the most important elements of postoperative skin care. A good moisturizer helps maintain the skin's moisture balance and supports recovery. In addition to moisturizing, nourishment is also important. Serums containing antioxidants and creams with vitamin C can be used to help the skin regenerate and remain healthy.

well-balanced diet

In addition to external care, it is also important to care for the skin from the inside. Maintaining a well-balanced diet and actively consuming foods rich in vitamins and minerals can help the skin recover.

Vitamins C, E, and zinc, in particular, are important nutrients for postoperative skin, as they are excellent for skin regeneration and antioxidant activity. If necessary, you may want to consider supplementation to supplement the nutrients you may be lacking.


5|What to do in case of trouble after double implantation

Although double implantation is a relatively safe procedure, problems can occur after surgery. If problems such as swelling, internal bleeding, or loosening or breaking of the threads occur, proper handling is important to promote recovery and maintain a beautiful result.

The most common postoperative problems are swelling and internal bleeding. Normal swelling and internal bleeding subside within a week or so, but if they persist beyond that time, there is a possibility that some problem has occurred.

If symptoms still do not improve despite the above care and precautions, or if pain persists, it is important to consult your physician immediately. Early action is the key to preventing further problems.

For example, if swelling or internal bleeding persists for more than a week, if you notice any loosening, or if you experience increased pain, do not hesitate to consult your doctor. You should seek immediate follow-up care, especially if the threads are visibly exposed or if there is unusual swelling or signs of infection (redness, heat, pus, etc.) at the procedure site. Addressing these issues early can prevent revision surgery and complications.

If, hypothetically, the threads are removed, or if the double-layered line is disrupted due to loosening of the threads, revision surgery may be necessary. Before undergoing revision surgery, it is important to thoroughly check the condition of the eye area and fully consult with the doctor. In preparation for revision surgery, it is necessary to confirm the postoperative care regimen again and to review lifestyle habits during the recovery period.



Care after double implantation is key to maintaining a beautiful result. By following the five points outlined here - how to spend the postoperative period, face washing and makeup, behaviors to avoid, proper care, and what to do in case of problems - you will have a more comfortable recovery. Be sure to value ongoing care and your doctor's advice to ensure long-term satisfaction.

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