What not to do after hyaluronic acid injections? Tips for long-lasting beauty

cosmetic medicine

Hyaluronic acid injections are popular among many women as an easy way to achieve beauty. This treatment can improve wrinkles and sagging of the face and restore a youthful appearance, but great care must be taken after the procedure. Without proper aftercare, the effects of the procedure may fade and even cause unexpected problems.

This section details the actions that should never be avoided after hyaluronic acid injections, as well as specific care instructions to prolong the effects. Keep these points in mind to maintain your beauty and peace of mind.


What is Hyaluronic Acid Injection? Role and Effects of Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a component that occurs naturally in the body, especially in the skin and joints. This component has very high moisture retention properties, and it is said that 1 gram of hyaluronic acid can hold approximately 6 liters of water.

Therefore, it is essential for maintaining skin moisture. Hyaluronic acid decreases with age, causing wrinkles and sagging, so supplementation from the outside helps maintain youthful skin.

Hyaluronic acid injections are very popular among cosmetic treatments because of their immediate effect and effectiveness. After receiving the injections, the skin is instantly plumped up and wrinkles and sagging skin become less noticeable.The effect is natural yet obvious, and many women are satisfied with the results. This may be an ideal treatment, especially for those who want to restore facial volume and eliminate wrinkles.

Advantages of Hyaluronic Acid Injection

The greatest advantage of hyaluronic acid injections is that the procedure takes only a short time and there is almost no downtime. Because it is easy to perform, it is a very welcome treatment for today's busy women. Another major attraction is that it is highly safe, with low risk of allergic reactions, since it only supplements ingredients that naturally exist in the body.

In the beauty industry, natural and healthy beauty is sought after. Therefore, hyaluronic acid injections are favored by many women because, unlike surgical procedures, they can bring out natural beauty.

Furthermore, in recent years, it has become increasingly popular among men as well, making it a treatment used by both genders. In particular, it is becoming increasingly popular in response to the need for an easy way to regain youthfulness.

As the technology for hyaluronic acid injections has evolved, so has its effectiveness, so has the development of longer-lasting formulations and the precision with which doctors perform the injections. As a result, more natural and long-lasting results can now be expected. It is expected to become a treatment method used by more and more people in the future.


5 things you should not do after hyaluronic acid injections!

After receiving hyaluronic acid injections, there are certain actions to avoid in order to maintain a beautiful result. By following these precautions, you can maximize the effects of hyaluronic acid and avoid problems.

Below is a detailed explanation of five behaviors that should never be avoided after hyaluronic acid injections.

NG Details
Massage of the treated area Avoid massage for at least 1 week after treatment
Exercise or strenuous activity Increased blood circulation from exercise causes swelling at the injection site.
Hot baths and saunas High temperatures stimulate blood circulation and increase the risk of swelling and internal bleeding.
Specific makeup and skin care Avoid harsh makeup and harsh skin care products if possible
Drinking too much or other alcoholic beverages Alcohol consumption can cause swelling and internal bleeding.

NG1|Massage of the treated area is absolutely prohibited.

The skin after hyaluronic acid injection is extremely delicate. Especially immediately after the procedure, the hyaluronic acid is not yet stable, and pressure can cause the injected hyaluronic acid to shift, resulting in unexpected shape changes.

Massaging the treated area may cause the hyaluronic acid to move to an unscheduled position, resulting in an unnatural appearance. For at least one week after the procedure, be gentle when touching the face and avoid massaging. Always consult your doctor in this case.

NG item 2|Prohibit exercise and strenuous activity.

It is important to avoid strenuous exercise after hyaluronic acid injections. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, which can cause swelling and inflammation at the injection site.

Sweating also increases the risk of infection. Light stretching and walking are fine, but avoid strenuous exercise such as jogging or muscle training. Please be sure to rest for one week after the procedure and be aware of gentle movements when moving your body.

NG Item 3|Avoiding hot baths and saunas

Hot baths and saunas should be avoided after hyaluronic acid injections. The high temperature stimulates blood circulation, increasing the risk of swelling and internal bleeding. Even when showering, it is recommended that the water temperature be lukewarm.

If a spa or sauna is absolutely necessary, avoid them for at least two weeks after the procedure and gradually increase the temperature thereafter.

NG Item 4|Restrictions on the use of certain makeup and skin care products

The skin is extremely sensitive after hyaluronic acid injections. Makeup and face washing can be performed on the same day, but the use of harsh makeup and skin care products increases the risk of irritation and infection. Particular attention should be paid to the injection site.

If possible, refrain from wearing makeup on the day of the procedure or use light makeup, and resume makeup the next day after checking the condition of the skin. It may be advisable to choose skincare products for sensitive skin that do not contain alcohol or harsh ingredients. Follow your doctor's instructions on when to resume use.

NG Item 5|Alcohol consumption such as excessive drinking

After hyaluronic acid injections, patients are asked to refrain from drinking alcohol. Alcohol consumption stimulates blood circulation and can cause swelling and internal bleeding.

Avoid alcohol completely, especially during the first few days after the procedure. When resuming alcohol consumption, start with small amounts and proceed cautiously while monitoring your body's response.


Possible side effects after hyaluronic acid injections and how to deal with them

Hyaluronic acid injections are a relatively safe cosmetic treatment, but because it is a medical procedure, it is not entirely free of side effects. If side effects do occur, it is important to take appropriate measures. Here, we will explain in detail the common and serious side effects and how to deal with them.


After hyaluronic acid injections, swelling may occur at the site of the procedure. This is temporary and usually resolves spontaneously within a few days. Cooling and reducing the swelling will help alleviate the symptoms. It is also recommended that the patient rest as much as possible after the procedure and avoid strenuous exercise.


Redness may appear in the treated area. Redness often disappears within a few hours to a few days after the procedure, but if it persists, consult your doctor. Cooling can be used to reduce redness.


Mild pain from the injection may occur. The pain usually subsides within a few days, but if the pain persists, consult your physician. Over-the-counter pain relievers can be used to temporarily relieve the pain.

allergic reaction

Allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid injections are rare but can occur. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include severe swelling, rash, and difficulty breathing.

If any of these symptoms occur, contact the clinic where the procedure was performed immediately for appropriate treatment. In severe cases, emergency medical care should be sought immediately.

Signs of infection

Infection is a very rare side effect, but it is a risk that should not be ignored. Signs of infection include severe pain, a burning sensation, and pus. If an infection is suspected, it is important to see your physician immediately and receive the necessary antibiotic therapy. Early action will prevent symptoms from worsening.


What is the recommended care after hyaluronic acid injections?

After receiving hyaluronic acid injections, proper care can prolong the effects. This section details the recommended post-injection care procedures. By practicing these methods, you can avoid problems after the procedure and maintain a beautiful result.

Cooling method and time

Swelling and pain may occur during the first few days after hyaluronic acid injections. Cooling is an effective way to reduce these symptoms. Cooling can be achieved with the use of cooling agents or cold towels.

Instead of applying it directly to the treatment area, wrap it in a thin towel before applying it. Cooling time should be 15 to 20 minutes per session, and is effective when performed several times a day. However, care should be taken not to overcool the area, so be sure to do so in moderation.

Importance of Hydration

Hyaluronic acid is characterized by its high moisture retention capacity. Adequate hydration is essential to replenish hyaluronic acid in the body. Drinking plenty of water will prolong the effects of hyaluronic acid, so aim to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, and be sure to drink water frequently.

In addition to water, herbal teas and caffeine-free drinks are also recommended for hydration. Avoid drinks containing alcohol and caffeine, as they can easily cause dehydration.

Proper skin care

Skin can be very sensitive after hyaluronic acid injections. Proper skin care will help keep the skin healthy. Cleansing should be gentle on the skin and the use of a cleanser for sensitive skin that does not contain alcohol or fragrance is recommended.

After cleansing, it is important to moisturize the skin thoroughly, so use a moisturizing cream or gel containing hyaluronic acid to hydrate the skin. Moisturizing should be done twice a day, morning and evening, and especially at night, applying a generous amount of moisturizer will support skin regeneration.


Is it necessary to change lifestyle in order to prolong the effect of hyaluronic acid injections?

To maximize and prolong the effects of hyaluronic acid injections, it is important to be aware of several important points in your daily life. This section details the importance of a healthy diet and stress management.

A healthy diet cleanses the skin.

A nutritionally balanced diet is essential to prolong the effects of hyaluronic acid injections. In particular, the following foods are expected to have a beautiful skin effect, and should be actively included in your diet.

  • Vitamin C: Promotes collagen production and keeps skin firm. Oranges, kiwi, broccoli, etc. are rich in this vitamin.
  • Vitamin E: Has antioxidant properties and prevents skin aging. Found in almonds, avocados, spinach, etc.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: help reduce inflammation and maintain skin health. Salmon, chia seeds, and walnuts are recommended.

On the other hand, the following foods should be avoided as they may have a negative impact on the skin

  • Processed foods: contain many additives and preservatives, which can be harmful to the skin.
  • Sugar: Excess sugar accelerates skin aging and causes wrinkles and sagging. Sweets and sugary drinks should be avoided.
  • Alcohol: causes dehydration and promotes skin dryness. Be sure to consume in moderation.

Stress Management

Stress is one of the most important factors affecting skin health. When stressed, the body releases the hormone cortisol, which promotes skin inflammation and aging. In addition, stress can decrease the quality of sleep and interfere with skin regeneration.

Practicing effective stress management can prolong the effects of hyaluronic acid injections. Incorporate the following methods to reduce stress on a daily basis. Good sleep also helps skin regeneration and reduces stress. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep daily.



We have provided specific information on care and precautions after hyaluronic acid injections. After the procedure, it is important to avoid massage, strenuous exercise, and hot baths. In addition, proper cooling, hydration, and gentle skin care practices will help maximize the effects.

In addition, a healthy diet and stress management are also essential for long-term beauty. It is also helpful to remember what to do in case side effects appear. Take the advice of a trusted specialist and fully enjoy the benefits of hyaluronic acid injections.

At Aladdin Aesthetic Clinic, based on our many years of experience in cosmetic medicine and cosmetic dermatology and the knowledge of our doctoral degree, we provide counseling that aims to be "only one", offering the best treatment for each person we meet. We offer only the necessary treatments without any unnecessary information or suggestions.

Feel free to use our official LINE account for 24-hour counseling and reservations. Please feel free to contact us for free counseling for the first time or if you have any concerns.

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