The Price of Beauty? The Risks of Too Much Hyaluronic Acid and What to Do About It

cosmetic medicine

In the world of cosmetic medicine, hyaluronic acid injections have gained popularity as an essential option for maintaining youth and beauty. However, as a medical procedure, its use requires caution. Too much hyaluronic acid in an attempt to achieve a high level of aging care can have the opposite effect on appearance and health.

Here we provide knowledge and guidelines for the proper use of hyaluronic acid and how to avoid overdependence. Understand the risks and countermeasures as the first step to achieving safe and beautiful results.


What is Hyaluronic Acid? Its Importance in Cosmetic Medicine

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in our bodies, especially abundant in the skin, retina, and joint fluid. Its primary role is to retain water and help lubricate and protect tissues. As we age, the amount of hyaluronic acid in our bodies declines, so replenishing it helps to keep us young.

In aesthetic medicine, hyaluronic acid is primarily used to hydrate the skin, improve wrinkles and sagging skin, and increase the volume of lips and cheeks. Introduced directly into the skin by injection, it can instantly restore skin hydration and a youthful appearance.

The secret of hyaluronic acid's popularity lies in its immediate effect and relative safety. Its short recovery time after treatment makes it the treatment of choice for people who want cosmetic improvement without significantly affecting their daily lives. In addition, hyaluronic acid has the great advantage of having a very low risk of rejection because it is a naturally occurring component of the body.

In addition, hyaluronic acid injections are customizable and can be tailored to individual needs and desired effects. This allows for maximum personal beauty while maintaining a natural appearance.

Hyaluronic acid is a valuable ingredient with a wide variety of uses and benefits in aesthetic medicine. Its safety and immediate results have made it a reliable cosmetic option for many people. If you want to maintain beautiful skin and regain youthfulness, hyaluronic acid is a good choice.


What is hyaluronic acid overload? Risks and warning signals!

Hyaluronic acid injections, when used properly, can produce wonderful results in the world of cosmetic medicine. However, when used in excess, it is associated with undesirable side effects and risks. This section provides a professional perspective on the risks associated with the overuse of hyaluronic acid and its warning signals.

Risks of over-injection of hyaluronic acid

Injecting more than the appropriate amount of hyaluronic acid can lead to undesirable results such as unnatural facial contours, skin stretching, internal bleeding and swelling. This section details the warning signals to be aware of these risks and the signs to recognize specific problems caused by over-injection.

(1) Unnaturalness of facial contours

Injecting more than the appropriate amount of hyaluronic acid may result in unnatural-looking facial contours. The injected hyaluronic acid may spread to the surrounding area, making certain areas of the face appear abnormally full.

(2) Skin stretching

Excessive injections of hyaluronic acid can cause stretching of the skin, which over time can impair the natural elasticity of the skin. This risk is particularly high with repeated injections before the hyaluronic acid is naturally degraded and absorbed.

(iii) Internal bleeding and swelling

If internal bleeding or swelling does not subside after hyaluronic acid injections, it may be a sign of over-injection. If not properly treated, these symptoms may linger.

What are the warning signals and signs to recognize?

If you feel that the amount of hyaluronic acid is too much and you have exceeded the appropriate amount, the following are examples of signs

  • Unnatural bulges or indentations
    If unnatural bulging or indentation is seen in a particular area after the procedure, it is possible that an excessive amount of hyaluronic acid has been injected.
  • Skin hardness
    If the skin at the injection site is abnormally hard, this is also a sign of overinjection.
  • Long-lasting discomfort
    If pain or discomfort persists for a long time after the procedure, this may be due to over-injection.

How to deal with hyaluronic acid overload

Fortunately, hyaluronic acid can be eliminated using an enzyme called hyaluronidase. If over-injected hyaluronic acid is the problem, injections of this enzyme by a specialist may improve the condition.

However, while this procedure should be most appropriately performed by the physician who injected the hyaluronic acid, if for some reason it is difficult to consult with the clinic that performed the procedure, it is possible to find a reliable clinic to dissolve it. With proper evaluation and response, the goal is to eliminate the unnatural appearance and discomfort and bring the area back to its original state.

Cautions in the process of dissolving hyaluronic acid

Careful evaluation is necessary when dissolving hyaluronan. The use of hyaluronidase may not be the best solution in all situations, and in some cases a wait-and-see approach may be a better response. It is also important to understand that it takes time for the skin to return to normal after the procedure. It is important to work with the specialist to develop a realistic expectation of the outcome without over-expectation.

Thus, even when faced with the risks associated with over-injection of hyaluronic acid, with the proper knowledge and assistance of a specialist, the problem can be resolved and the desired cosmetic result achieved safely. By working closely with a specialist, without self-judgment, and by ensuring proper care and handling before and after the procedure, the risks can be minimized while still reaping the full benefits of hyaluronic acid injections.


What is the right amount of hyaluronic acid? Points for proper hyaluronic acid use

The amount of hyaluronic acid injections needed depends on the area and purpose of its use. Let's take a closer look at the appropriate amount of hyaluronic acid injected in each of the most popular areas.

Understanding the appropriate injection volume for each site

To improve the appearance of lines, usually about 0.5 to 1 cc of hyaluronic acid is required for each line. Depending on the depth and extent of the lines, this amount may be adjusted. By taking into account minor differences, a more natural-looking result is achieved.

If you suffer from dark circles and sagging under the eyes, it is recommended that 0.3cc to 0.8cc of hyaluronic acid be injected. Because the skin under the eyes is very thin, particular care must be taken with the amount injected, and the specialist's precise technique is required.

Hyaluronic acid injections for a rounded forehead generally require 4cc to 5cc. This amount will allow the forehead to be more even and smooth, creating a smooth, natural contour.

If you want to improve the appearance of your profile, hyaluronic acid injections into the chin are effective: 0.5 to 2 cc of hyaluronic acid can be used to achieve a sharper, more balanced facial appearance.

For volume enhancement of the tear troughs, about 0.1cc to 0.5cc of hyaluronic acid is considered an appropriate amount. Even this minute amount can make a significant difference to the eye area, giving it a more attractive appearance.

When injecting hyaluronic acid into the lips, the standard amount is about 0.5 cc to 1 cc. This amount is adjusted accordingly depending on the shape and thickness of the lips and the desired appearance.

However, since these guidelines often vary in the appropriate amount for different individuals and conditions, it is important to always have a consultation during the consideration stage of the procedure and have your doctor examine the amount that is right for you.

How to choose a quality clinic and communicate with the doctor

For proper hyaluronic acid use, it is extremely important to select a clinic and physician that combines expertise and experience. Clinics and physicians that specialize in cosmetic medicine and have extensive experience in this field have the knowledge and skills necessary to maximize the effects of hyaluronic acid injections and minimize risks at the same time. They are able to make appropriate adjustments to the injection amount and to precisely determine the injection site to achieve natural-looking results after the procedure.

In addition, pre-procedure counseling is an important process to understand the patient's cosmetic desires and expectations. Doctors who are able to provide quality counseling are able to accurately understand the patient's desires and provide appropriate advice and treatment plans. During the counseling process, it is important to make sure that any questions or concerns are explained in detail. This allows the patient to gain a better understanding of the procedure and feel comfortable with it.

The availability of an aftercare system after the procedure is also an important criterion in selecting a clinic. It is essential to ensure patient safety and satisfaction by confirming that the clinic has a system in place to respond promptly and appropriately in the unlikely event of adverse reactions or unexpected results after a procedure. Quality aftercare is the foundation for patients to feel comfortable undergoing cosmetic procedures.



Through the information provided so far, we have gained an understanding of the risks of hyaluronic acid injections and how to appropriately address them. When using cosmetic procedures, it is important to choose a quality medical institution and to seek the full advice of a specialist. Appropriate use of hyaluronic acid and avoidance of excessive procedures will allow for safe and effective cosmetic pursuits. Knowledge and preparation to enhance your confidence through cosmetic procedures is the first step toward a more beautiful tomorrow.

At Aladdin Aesthetic Clinic, based on our many years of experience in cosmetic medicine and cosmetic dermatology and the knowledge of our doctoral degree, we provide counseling that aims to be "only one", offering the best treatment for each person we meet. We offer only the necessary treatments without any unnecessary information or suggestions.

Feel free to use our official LINE account for 24-hour counseling and reservations. Please feel free to contact us for free counseling for the first time or if you have any concerns.

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