Are there foods that cure acne? The key to preventing acne and skin problems from food.

Beauty Information

Acne is one of the most common skin problems experienced by many people. Dietary habits, in particular, are closely related to the occurrence of acne and the condition of the skin.

This section focuses on foods that can help prevent acne and skin problems, as well as food choices and meal plans. We will explain from an expert's point of view the key points of diet for improving acne and achieving healthy skin. We hope you will find this information useful and helpful so that you can take steps to nurture beautiful skin through your daily diet.


Causes of Acne and Influence of Diet

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that occurs when skin pores become blocked by sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Although many people experience it in adolescence, it often afflicts adults as well. There are many causes of acne, but the main ones are hormonal fluctuations, improper skin care, stress, and diet.

Factors in the development of acne

Multiple factors are involved in the development of acne, the most prominent of which is hormonal influence. In particular, an increase in testosterone encourages the overproduction of sebum, which contributes to acne.

In addition, improper skin care can also aggravate acne. Excessive cleansing and use of irritating skin care products can dry out the skin and ultimately worsen acne. Stress can also cause acne.

Other factors include stress, which causes the release of hormones that stimulate the overproduction of sebum and promote acne. Heredity is another important factor in acne. If acne runs in a family, genetic factors may be behind it. The combination of these factors can cause acne to appear in different forms and affect an individual's skin condition.

How diet affects the skin

Diet has a direct impact on skin health. Certain food groups have been linked to the development of acne. For example, excessive consumption of high GI (glycemic index) foods and dairy products is known to increase insulin levels in the body and stimulate overproduction of sebum. This is because it increases levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which stimulates sebaceous gland activity.

On the other hand, foods containing certain nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, have been reported to have anti-inflammatory properties and help improve acne by aiding skin regeneration. These nutrients are found in abundance in healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fish.


What foods cause acne to worsen?

Classification. Specific ingredients Effect on acne
High glycemic index (GI) foods Sugar, white bread, white rice Rapid increase in blood glucose levels, increased insulin levels, overproduction of sebum
dairy products Milk, cheese Altered hormonal balance, increased IGF-1 levels
Processed Foods and Fast Foods Preservatives, artificial colors, fried food Promotes inflammation in the body

While there are many causes for the aggravation of acne, the impact of diet is considered very significant. Because certain foods can aggravate acne, it is important to know these foods and to make appropriate dietary changes.

There are several common factors in foods that lead to the aggravation of acne. High glycemic index (GI) foods, dairy products, processed foods and fast foods are the main culprits.

Sugar, white bread, and white rice, which are found in high GI foods, rapidly increase blood sugar levels, which in turn increases insulin levels in the body. This process encourages the overproduction of sebum, which can worsen acne.

In addition, the consumption of dairy products, such as milk and cheese, can affect hormonal balance and cause acne in some people. This is believed to be because dairy products increase levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). In addition, processed and fast foods that are high in preservatives, artificial colors, and fried foods can promote inflammation in the body and exacerbate acne conditions.

Although it only depends on individual skin conditions and other factors, cutting back on these foods may be an important step in managing and improving acne. Instead, a balanced diet that includes whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and good sources of protein is recommended.

These foods help prevent rapid increases in blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation in the body, and help balance hormones. Improving your diet may take time, but it is an essential effort to protect skin health and reduce the risk of acne.


Are there foods that cure acne?

While acne research and medicine are evolving daily, and much positive evidence has been reported on the effects of certain vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory foods on skin health, we will discuss a few of the foods that contain nutrients that are effective in preventing or improving acne and a few that are not.

Foods containing vitamins and minerals that are effective in preventing acne

A nutritionally balanced diet is essential for preventing and improving acne. In particular, nutrients such as vitamins A, E, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids are particularly effective against acne.

nutrient effect Food Examples
vitamin A Supports skin repair, suppresses excessive sebum production Liver, sweet potatoes, carrots
vitamin E Antioxidant action to strengthen skin barrier function Almonds, spinach, avocado
zinc (Zn) Skin repair, inflammation suppression Oysters, lentils, cashews
omega-3 fatty acid Reduction of redness and swelling due to anti-inflammatory action Salmon, chia seeds, flaxseed oil

Vitamin A supports skin repair and reduces excessive sebum production. This nutrient is abundant in liver, sweet potatoes, and carrots, and consumption of these foods is recommended. Vitamin A helps maintain healthy skin and prevent the development of acne.

Vitamin E helps prevent acne by strengthening the skin's barrier function and increasing its resistance to external stimuli through its powerful antioxidant properties. Almonds, spinach, and avocados contain high levels of vitamin E, so consumption of these foods supports skin health.

Zinc is a mineral necessary for skin repair and is responsible for reducing inflammation. Oysters, lentils, and cashews are foods rich in zinc and play an important role in acne control.

Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the redness and swelling of acne. Salmon, chia seeds, and flaxseed oil are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and incorporating these foods can help relieve acne symptoms.

A well-balanced diet of foods containing these nutrients can help prevent acne and alleviate the symptoms of acne that has already developed. A nutritious diet is one of the essential elements in maintaining healthy skin and is the first step toward beautiful skin.

Foods that help reduce inflammation and repair skin

Green tea, tomatoes, and walnuts are known as effective acne-fighting foods. The unique nutrients in each of these foods support skin health and contribute to the prevention and improvement of acne.

foodstuff Nutrients included effect
green tea catechin Antioxidant action suppresses skin inflammation and protects against oxidative stress
tomato lycopene Antioxidant action protects skin from UV damage and prevents skin aging
walnut omega-3 fatty acid Anti-inflammatory action improves acne and reduces redness and swelling

The catechins in green tea are powerful antioxidants and reduce skin inflammation. Drinking green tea on a daily basis protects the skin from oxidative stress and helps prevent acne outbreaks. Green tea also contributes to overall health and wellness, supporting not only beautiful skin, but also health from the inside out.

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which protects the skin from external damage, such as UV rays, through its antioxidant properties. Regular consumption of tomatoes can be expected to slow skin aging and reduce the risk of acne and skin problems.

The omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts help improve acne due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce the redness and swelling of acne and are important for maintaining skin health. Incorporating walnuts into your daily diet can help to improve the condition of your skin and make it less prone to acne.

By actively incorporating these foods into your diet, you can expect to have healthy, beautiful skin in addition to preventing acne. Incorporating these foods into your daily diet, along with a well-balanced diet, can help support skin health from the inside out.

Evidence and research on foods that have helped improve acne

Scientific studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamins A and E are effective in preventing and treating acne. These nutrients are believed to have a direct or indirect effect on acne because they reduce inflammation and support skin health. Several studies have also shown that antioxidants such as catechins in green tea and lycopene in tomatoes can help improve acne.

Incorporating these foods into your daily diet may effectively contribute to the prevention and improvement of acne. Remember, however, that in addition to dietary changes, proper skin care and lifestyle modifications are also important. A balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are the keys to clear, healthy skin.


Is self-determination not the answer to acne control?

Many people facing acne problems tend to rely on self-judgment before taking appropriate measures. However, in acne treatment, accurate diagnosis by a specialist is very important, in addition to common skin care products and home remedies. Here we explain why a diagnosis at a clinic is necessary and how cosmetic medicine can improve acne.

Self-judgment is not an option! Why an accurate diagnosis is necessary for "acne control".

In treating acne, not all acne is the same just because it looks similar. In fact, there are many different types of acne, each with different causes. They range from mild to severely inflamed, and the appropriate treatment varies from one to another.

Therefore, it is very important to receive an accurate diagnosis by a specialist rather than proceeding with treatment on one's own judgment. The specialist will accurately identify the type and cause of the acne and select the most appropriate treatment for the individual's skin condition.

Self-determination in acne treatment also risks worsening symptoms. Diagnosis at the clinic involves the development of a customized treatment plan based on the individual skin condition and type of acne. This allows for effective and safe treatment, and can improve acne at the root of the problem. The development of a treatment plan based on an accurate diagnosis is the key to success in the treatment of acne.

How to improve acne through cosmetic medicine

Advances in cosmetic medicine have led to a wide variety of treatments for acne and acne scars. Of particular interest are laser therapy, chemical peels, phototherapy, and injection therapy. Each of these treatments contributes to the improvement and prevention of acne through different mechanisms.

Laser therapy is particularly effective for severe acne scars. In this procedure, laser light is irradiated onto the skin, smoothing the skin's surface and reducing pigmentation. Laser is also effective in preventing the recurrence of acne by promoting skin regeneration.

Chemical peels are treatments in which specific agents are applied to the superficial layers of the skin to remove dead skin cells and clogged pores. This process helps prevent and improve acne by reducing excessive sebum production and normalizing skin turnover.

Phototherapy aims to reduce acne-causing bacteria and inhibit inflammation by exposing the skin to light of specific wavelengths. This treatment promotes the skin's repair process and is also effective in improving acne scars. Injection therapy may also be the treatment of choice for severe acne. In this method, an anti-inflammatory drug is injected directly into the acne site to rapidly reduce inflammation and promote acne healing.

For acne treatment, "correct diagnosis" and "individually optimized treatment plan" are very important. By listening to an expert's opinion and selecting the appropriate cosmetic treatment rather than making a self-judgment, it is possible to effectively and safely improve acne and its scars.



In this section, we delved into the relationship between acne and diet, and described foods that can help prevent or improve acne. We have shown you how a balanced diet can affect the health of your skin and what you can implement in your daily life. Proper skin care and lifestyle changes are important in the process of achieving healthy skin, but above all, we recommend that you do not judge yourself, but rather see a specialist to make sure you are doing the right thing.

The information here should be taken only as a guide to what you can actively implement in your daily life, to review your diet and achieve acne-free, bright skin. We hope you will take that first step toward beautiful skin. Remember, beautiful skin comes from small daily efforts.

At Aladdin Aesthetic Clinic, based on our many years of experience in cosmetic medicine and cosmetic dermatology and the knowledge of our doctoral degree, we provide counseling that aims to be "only one", offering the best treatment for each person we meet. We offer only the necessary treatments without any unnecessary information or suggestions.

Feel free to use our official LINE account for 24-hour counseling and reservations. Please feel free to contact us for free counseling for the first time or if you have any concerns.

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