What is the effective way to make the swelling go down faster after double implantation?

cosmetic medicine

Double implantation surgery is a step toward achieving the eyes you long to see, but postoperative swelling is a challenge that many people face. Here are the reasons for the swelling that occurs after double implantation surgery and seven effective ways to reduce the swelling quickly.

From the basics of the surgery to managing downtime and specific care instructions, we provide information to help you recover comfortably after a double implantation. We hope the information here will help you in your journey to beautiful eyes.


Basics of double implantation surgery and causes of clearing

Double implants are cosmetic surgeries that improve a single or double folded eyelid to have a more defined double crease line. This surgery is performed using special threads to form a double crease (fold) from within the eyelid without cutting the eyelid skin. The procedure is completed in a relatively short time and recovery is quick, making it a popular option.

The main reason for swelling after surgery is the body's natural response. The microscopic irritation and suturing that occurs during surgery causes temporary swelling as part of the body's healing process. This is the result of inflammation that occurs as the body attempts to heal the wound. In addition, the eyelid is a very sensitive area and tends to swell more easily than the surrounding tissue.

This swelling usually peaks in the first few days after surgery and then gradually decreases. Prolonged swelling may be a sign of infection or other complications that require attention. Therefore, it is important to conduct a thorough consultation prior to undergoing surgery.

Double implantation surgery is a safe and effective way to achieve more attractive eyes, but proper care after the surgery can greatly affect the results. If you are considering this surgery, it is important to fully understand the risks and benefits under the guidance of a professional physician to make the best choice for you.


Downtime and risks of double implantation

Downtime after double implantation surgery is largely dependent on the nature of the surgery and the individual's constitution and surgical technique. In general, swelling is most pronounced immediately following surgery and usually peaks within 24-48 hours of surgery. Thereafter, the swelling gradually decreases, but often takes two weeks to a month to completely subside.

Swelling after surgery occurs as part of the body's process of repairing trauma. This process involves the activity of white blood cells and other immune cells to facilitate cleansing and repair of the wound. This reaction causes blood vessels to dilate and fluid to leak between tissues, resulting in swelling.

Usually, the reduction of swelling proceeds in stages. During the first few days, the degree of swelling can be controlled by cooling therapy and sleeping with the head elevated. If the swelling is prolonged, infection, bleeding, or suture problems are possible causes. Signs of infection include redness, heat, excessive pain, and pus. If any of these symptoms are present, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.

Double implantation surgery is a relatively safe procedure, and when performed properly, serious complications are rare. However, before undergoing surgery, it is important to consult with a qualified and experienced physician to fully understand the risks and benefits associated with the procedure. This way, the recovery process after surgery will be smooth and the results will be as expected.


Seven specific methods to make the swelling go down faster after double implantation!

By following these seven practices, you can effectively manage swelling after double implantation surgery and expect to recover more quickly. However, post-operative care does not stop there.

Let's delve into more detailed care and preventive measures in case the swelling is worse than expected or prolonged. It is important to understand this information and take appropriate action to avoid problems after surgery.

Point1|Do not irritate the eye area

The eye area after double implantation surgery is very delicate and even the slightest irritation can cause swelling and pain. Particular attention should be paid to bangs, eye makeup, and contact lenses.

Chemicals in eye makeup and contact lens friction can increase the risk of infection and delay recovery. For this reason, it is recommended that the eye area be protected from these irritants until recovery is underway.

Point2|Avoid strenuous exercise

After surgery, the body needs rest to reduce swelling and inflammation. Strenuous exercise increases the heart rate and blood pressure and may aggravate the swelling. It is especially important to avoid exercise that concentrates blood in the head and to limit it to gentle activities such as light walks and stretching.

Point3|Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and salt

Alcohol and tobacco can worsen blood circulation and interfere with the recovery process. A diet high in salt can also cause the body to retain water and increase swelling. After surgery, a healthy diet and avoidance of these can aid in the recovery process.

Point4|Avoid baths

Hot baths may increase blood circulation and worsen swelling. Moderate temperatures are recommended, especially immediately after surgery, by using showers or taking short soaks in lukewarm baths. During this period, it is important to avoid irritation by water and to prioritize the healing of the wound.

Point5|Correct use of cooling therapy

Cooling therapy is an effective way to reduce swelling and pain. Proper cooling constricts blood vessels and decreases swelling. It is important to use ice packs or cooling gel packs properly according to the doctor's instructions, while wrapping them in a clean cloth and avoiding direct contact with the skin.

Point6|Nutrition and Rest

During the recovery period after surgery, a well-balanced diet containing quality nutrients and adequate rest are essential. In particular, antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, proteins, and essential fatty acids support the body's natural healing process. Proper rest and sleep are basic requirements for the body to repair itself.

Point7|Precautions in daily life

Daily activities should also be designed to support recovery after surgery. When sleeping, slightly elevating the head can help reduce swelling. In addition, stress can negatively impact the healing process, so it is helpful to incorporate relaxation techniques that relieve stress. Other important factors include fluid intake in moderation, as excessive fluid intake can increase swelling.



Proper care is essential to minimize swelling and promote a smooth recovery after double implantation surgery. By practicing the seven methods described here, you can help the swelling go down faster.

Please remember that small daily routines such as not irritating the eye area, maintaining a proper diet, and implementing appropriate cooling therapy can make a big difference. Also, take note of the precautions you need to take in preparation for surgery and in your daily life to ensure safe and beautiful results.

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