Don't Regret Getting a Thread Lift! Advance Knowledge and Appropriate Measures Explained

cosmetic medicine

The evolution of cosmetic medicine is revolutionizing the way we rejuvenate our skin every day, defying the passage of time. Thread lift is one of the most popular of these procedures, and its effective lifting is one of its most attractive features.

However, there are numerous things to know before actually undergoing the procedure. In order to achieve a thread lift procedure that you will not regret, it is important to be well informed in advance and learn the appropriate measures to take. Here, we will provide a wide range of detailed information on thread lifts, from basic information to risks and aftercare.


What is a thread lift?

Thread lift is one of the cosmetic treatments that has been gaining attention in recent years as a response to the signs of aging. As the name suggests, it is a much-loved procedure that uses special threads to lift the skin. So what exactly is the mechanism and why is it so popular?

Definition and Mechanism of Thread Lift

Thread lift is a non-surgical treatment for sagging of the face and neck. A special thread that is absorbed into the lower layers of the skin is inserted and then pulled up to achieve a lifting effect.

These threads are naturally absorbed by the body over time, which also has the advantage of being less stressful on the body. In addition, the insertion of these threads promotes collagen production, which improves the skin's firmness and elasticity.

In recent years, thread lift procedures have become very popular due to their minimally invasive nature and minimal downtime. Unlike surgical lifts, thread lifts can be completed in a relatively short time, and the results are natural and noticeable.

Another reason why many people prefer it is that it has fewer side effects such as pain, swelling, and bruising, and thus has less impact on their daily lives.

Flow of treatment

The thread lift procedure begins with a consultation. Through consultation with a cosmetic counselor or physician, details such as which areas to insert the threads and how much lifting effect to expect are determined.

Next, after local anesthesia is administered, the thread is inserted under the skin using a fine needle. After securing the thread in the appropriate position, the needle is withdrawn. After the procedure, mild swelling and redness may occur, but this will most likely subside spontaneously within a few days. We will also advise you on appropriate aftercare details and schedule follow-up appointments together as needed.


Cases of regret and possible problems with thread lifts

Although thread lift is favored by many people as an effective cosmetic procedure, there are unfortunately cases in which the results of the procedure inevitably do not meet expectations because it is a medical procedure. It is important to know the risks beforehand in order to receive a satisfactory procedure without regret.

Cases of unsatisfactory results

Examples of cases experiencing unsatisfactory results after a thread lift include the following

  • The position of the threads was unnatural and caused facial asymmetry.
  • Thread fixation was inadequate and effectiveness decreased in a short period of time.
  • There was prolonged swelling and pain after the procedure.
  • Skin irregularities and thread knots were noticeable results.

Several main reasons may be behind these unsatisfactory results.

(data) item Contents
Technology and Experience Needed Unsatisfactory results are caused by inexperienced techniques and improper thread selection.
Importance of Counseling The desired effect cannot be achieved without an accurate understanding of the patient's wishes and condition.
Need for aftercare Failure to do so increases the risk of fluctuations in thread position and skin problems.

Thread lift is known as a procedure that requires specialized techniques and extensive experience. Therefore, inexperienced techniques and improper thread selection can lead to disappointing results.

Furthermore, without adequate counseling prior to the procedure, it is difficult to accurately understand the patient's specific wishes and condition, and as a result, the desired effect cannot be achieved.

It is also essential to provide appropriate aftercare after the procedure is completed. Failure to provide aftercare increases the risk of thread repositioning and skin problems.

Before undergoing a thread lift, it is important to fully understand these risks and choose a reliable clinic. Preparation in advance, as well as gathering the right information, will lead to a thread lift procedure that you will not regret.


Risks and Side Effects of Thread Lift

No medical procedure is absolutely safe, and there are always risks and side effects. It is important for those considering a thread lift to be well informed.

Side Effects/Risks Details How to respond
Redness and swelling Reaction of inserting threads inside the skin Calms down in a few days, but if it persists, consult a clinic.
Pain and discomfort Reactions due to microscopic wounds or skin pulling during treatment Relieve in a short period of time. Pain relief and rest as needed.
rising of a string Threads coming to the surface of the skin Contact your physician without forcible touching.
infection Infection at the thread insertion site If there are symptoms of redness or heat, consult the clinic immediately.

After a thread lift procedure, many people experience redness and swelling. This is a temporary reaction caused by the insertion of the threads inside the skin. In most cases, it will settle down naturally within a few days, but if it persists, it is advisable to consult the clinic where the procedure was performed.

Some patients may also experience pain or discomfort immediately after the procedure due to the microscopic scarring and skin pulling involved in inserting the threads. In most cases, this will abate within a short period of time, but the use of appropriate pain medication and rest may be recommended.

Furthermore, depending on the technique of the thread lift procedure and the type of threads used, the threads may float to the surface of the skin. This depends in part on the technique and experience of the surgeon. If you feel any threads floating, it is important to contact your surgeon immediately without forcibly touching them.

Although it rarely occurs, infection can occur in rare cases when the threads are inserted into the skin. Early symptoms of infection include redness, heat, swelling, and pain. If these symptoms appear, prompt medical attention is required and the clinic should be consulted immediately.


Downtime of the thread lift

Aftercare is essential to understand the downtime after the procedure to maintain the benefits of the thread lift.

Recovery period and impact on life

Recovery time after a thread lift depends on the procedure and the individual's physical condition, but in most cases, the patient can return to daily activities in about one week. However, swelling, redness, and pain may appear for a few days immediately after the procedure. In particular, if the area to be treated is the face, it may be difficult for some people to cover it with makeup, and they may have to refrain from going out.

Therefore, when undergoing a thread lift, it is recommended that you adjust your schedule after the procedure and rest as much as possible. You should consult with the clinic or physician performing the procedure to determine how much your social activities will be affected.

Importance of aftercare

Aftercare after the procedure is extremely important to prolong the effects of a thread lift. Without proper aftercare, the threads may shift or increase the risk of infection.

After the procedure, the patient is required to use certain skin care products and avoid massage, as directed by his or her physician. In addition, care should be taken not to rub the area where the thread lift was performed too hard. By adhering to proper aftercare after the procedure, the effects of the thread lift can be maximized and last longer.

Thread lift is a highly technical procedure, and without proper aftercare, there is a risk of unexpected problems. Therefore, before undergoing the procedure, it is important to communicate thoroughly with your doctor and make sure you understand the post-procedure care methods and precautions.



A thread lift can be an effective and safe cosmetic procedure if approached with the proper knowledge and measures. The key to a successful procedure is to obtain accurate information and consult a reliable clinic. Advance preparation and proper aftercare will be essential to avoid unsatisfactory results and risks.

By incorporating a healthy skin lifestyle and skin care regimen as well, you will experience longer-lasting results. We would be happy to help you take your beauty goals one step further through a thread lift.

At Aladdin Aesthetic Clinic, based on our many years of experience in cosmetic medicine and cosmetic dermatology and the knowledge of our doctoral degree, we provide counseling that aims to be "only one", offering the best treatment for each person we meet. We offer only the necessary treatments without any unnecessary information or suggestions.
Feel free to use our official LINE account for 24-hour counseling and reservations. Please feel free to contact us for free counseling for the first time or if you have any concerns.

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