Does it hurt to smile after a thread lift? Pre- and post-procedure precautions and causes you need to know about.

cosmetic medicine

Thread lift is gaining popularity as a cosmetic procedure that can easily achieve a face lift. However, some people feel "pain when smiling" after the procedure. Whether this pain is temporary or a serious problem is a point of concern for many people.

Here we will discuss in detail the causes of pain when smiling after a thread lift and how to reduce the pain. We will also introduce some precautions you should know before the procedure, so you can learn the information you need to have a thread lift with peace of mind.


Basic Mechanism of Thread Lift and Treatment Details

Thread lift is a cosmetic procedure to improve sagging of the face, in which special medical threads are inserted under the skin to achieve a lifting effect. The threads are absorbed by the body over time, so there is no foreign body sensation after the procedure. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not use a scalpel, so downtime is short. The procedure takes about 30 minutes to one hour and is relatively quick.

The major advantages of thread lift are immediate results and natural-looking results. The lifting effect can be felt immediately after the procedure, giving a natural beauty that is hardly noticeable to those around you. In addition, the threads stimulate collagen production in the skin, which improves skin elasticity for several months after the procedure. Since no scalpel is used, there is little scarring and recovery is quick.

On the other hand, risks and side effects exist even with safe thread lifts. Temporary swelling and internal bleeding may occur after the procedure, and it may take days to weeks to fully recover.

In addition, depending on the insertion position of the thread, the patient may feel "pain when smiling," which can be an uncomfortable experience for some patients. Furthermore, the duration of the effect varies from person to person, but is estimated to be 1-2 years. There are several points to keep in mind when undergoing this thread lift. We will now introduce those points.


What causes pain when smiling after a thread lift? Mechanism of discomfort and pain

Thread lift is a popular cosmetic procedure for lifting sagging facial features, but it is also true that many people feel pain when they smile after the procedure. Understanding the mechanism of this pain may help you to know how to deal with it appropriately.

The main causes of the pain felt after that thread lift are related to skin tension, thread position, and tissue reaction to the procedure. The threads can pull on the skin and muscles, causing temporary discomfort and pain.

Specific cause of pain 1|Tension of skin

After a thread lift procedure, tension is created in the skin as the threads lift the skin. This tension can cause pain when smiling or making facial expressions. Especially immediately after the procedure, the pain is often more intense because the skin has not yet become accustomed to the procedure.

Specific cause of pain 2|Position of threads

The degree of pain varies depending on the insertion position of the thread. If the thread is inserted close to a nerve, the nerve may be stimulated when making facial expressions, causing pain. If the thread is in a position that affects muscle movement, pain may also occur when smiling.

Specific pain cause 3|Tissue reaction

Tissue reactions after the procedure can also cause pain. When a thread is inserted under the skin, the body perceives it as a foreign object and an inflammatory reaction may occur. This inflammation may cause pain and swelling. Usually, this inflammation subsides within a few days to a few weeks.


Can you reduce pain after a thread lift? Recovery process and how to take care of yourself in daily life

Although thread lift is a popular procedure that provides a quick lift effect, it is very important to know about the recovery process after the procedure. Pain after a thread lift typically lasts for several days immediately after the procedure, but the recovery process goes through the following phases.

Recovery process 1|Post-treatment stage

Immediately after the procedure, there is often redness and swelling of the skin, and internal bleeding may be seen. This condition usually improves in about a week. There will be some discomfort and pressure in the treated area, and you may feel "pain when smiling" when making facial expressions. These symptoms are temporary and will diminish with time.

The pain often lessens within a few days to a week after the procedure. Pain can be particularly intense immediately after the procedure, as the skin and muscles have not acclimated to the threads. During this period, skin tension and inflammation are at their highest.

After the treatment, it is important to relax the body. Getting adequate rest and taking it easy will promote recovery. Especially on the day of the treatment, try to spend time in a relaxing environment.

Otherwise, sleeping on your stomach may put pressure on your face and cause pain in the treated area. Try to avoid excessive pressure on the face when sleeping on your back or even on your side. Particularly during the week immediately following the procedure, you may need to be careful if you are not a good sleeper.

Recovery process 2|A few days to a week later

After a few days of treatment, the swelling and internal bleeding will gradually subside. During this period, the pain will gradually lessen and will rarely interfere with daily activities. However, since the patient may not have fully recovered yet, it is advisable to check the condition and avoid strenuous exercise and facial massage. Usually, the pain will be almost completely gone in about one to two weeks.

After a thread lift, it is important to follow the doctor's instructions for proper care. Cooling the treated area will reduce swelling and pain. Also, be careful not to strain the treated area when washing your face or applying makeup.

Alcohol and tobacco may increase blood circulation and worsen swelling and internal bleeding. Avoid alcohol and tobacco for about a week after the procedure. A healthy lifestyle will help speed recovery.

Recovery process 3

After approximately one month, the treated area will return to an almost normal state. By this time, most of the tension and discomfort in the skin will be gone, and the natural look of the skin will be restored. You will also notice that the threads promote collagen production in the skin, which improves the skin's elasticity and luster. If you still experience any discomfort during this period, consult your doctor immediately for a checkup.

In addition, eating a nutritiously balanced diet and getting adequate sleep will further enhance the skin's beauty. In particular, actively consuming foods containing vitamin C and collagen will support skin repair.

If the patient is obviously unwell, such as abnormal swelling or internal bleeding

Any signs of swelling or internal bleeding beyond the normal range should also be reported to the physician immediately. This is especially important if the swelling worsens rapidly or if the internal bleeding is extensive.

Fever and general ill health that persists after a thread lift may also indicate an infection. It is important to consult a physician promptly and receive appropriate treatment.



While a thread lift is an easy way to achieve a lifting effect, it can also cause problems such as pain when smiling. Here, we have explained in detail the causes of pain after a thread lift, how to reduce it, and the recovery process. By understanding what you need to know before the procedure and taking appropriate care, you can enjoy a beautiful result with peace of mind. If you have any concerns, we encourage you to consult with your doctor. Take the first step toward maximizing your own beauty.

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